Daily online Meditation

A daily meditation practice on zoom, to bring you clarity, calm and connection
7:30am Monday to Friday
8:45am daily

Daily live online meditation

  • Are you looking to reduce stress, decrease anxiety or help promote better sleep?
  • Do you want to know yourself fully and commit to a regular practice?
  • Do you need stillness and calm in your life?
  • Do you want to receive regular healing through meditation?

Whatever your reason for coming to meditation now is the time to start, not tomorrow, but TODAY.

You will only ask yourself why you didn’t start sooner!

Soul Sync Meditation

Being in a group can create a more enhanced experience, making it easier to connect within.  The group changes daily, as we all drop in when free.   

The times for the meditation sessions are generally;

  • Monday to Friday – 7:30am and 8:45am
  • Saturday and Sunday – 8am

There are occasionally amendments to these times and these are notified in the WhatsApp group.

I create meditations in the moment, such as the one above or this meditation observing the space, the gap.

You can find more examples of my meditations over on my YouTube Channel.

I have had so much wonderful feedback from the daily meditations.  Every day I put a message on the zoom to ask what the group would like to receive.  
1) Soul Sync
2) Card Pull
3) Healing with the angels
4) Life lessons from Winnie the Pooh
5) Words of Wisdom from His Holiness the Dali Lama
6) Something personal to support you
7) Healing Room

This list changes as we progress through to other books or cards.  Each is a way to get into intuitive flow for the meditation.   We also have healing and support so that when days are tough we can support everyone within the group.  Some days it’s just sitting in a wonderful light to feel calm.

The time to start is now

We all struggle to concentrate when we first start meditating, our mind wanders and we end up thinking all about the past or future. But there is a great benefit in being able to know that this happens, and over time you become the observer of your thoughts.  You then can be in control of your life, not allowing your thoughts to take over.   Gradually you realise that your thoughts then can fade gently away for moments at a time, creating peace and calm.

The joy of guided meditation is that if your mind wanders, the words can bring your focus back to the present moment.  If you can’t even hear the words, sitting in the energy of the group will give you a sense of calm.  We have some powerful healers who attend this group regularly and their energy combined can feel incredible.

The benefits of daily guided meditation

  • Meditation has many health benefits also, it has been proven to reduce anxiety and lower blood pressure, can increase immunity and aid better sleep. Not a bad start for just 20 minutes a day! 
  • Meditation has been proven to reduce symptoms of depression
  • Helps you to understand yourself and your thoughts better, you learn to allow your thoughts to flow along and you don’t need to attach to them
  • With the Soul Sync Meditation, you can work on finding your core desires and dreams, shaping and reshaping your future as it arises.
  • Increases attention span and may help to reduce age related memory loss
  • It can even help to control pain!
Soul Sync Meditation Glastonbury

The main benefit of doing this online and within a community is that the feeling and power of the intention is increased.
Most days you can come away feeling so uplifted just by being in the group, there are also many days when the meditation provides healing to us all.  Each day and shape is different and we weave our way through techniques, each is right for each moment.


OMG the new option in the daily meditations to have one personalised to you...total game changer! Thank you Amanda xxx

The gratitude I feel is so enormous I don't know how to describe it! That was a truly beautiful meditation. Thank you Amanda for your time doing that.

I listened to your "stepping into the light" meditation, (that you recorded for us) repeatedly. I found it so calming and comforting.

Sign Up Today

If you would like to join our daily online meditation, please choose from one of the options below; 

When you sign up you will get a zoom link to join the class, you can then also join the first WhatsApp group where I give a gentle reminder each day.

We have two WhatsApp groups;

  • The schedule for reminders and for any last minute sessions that I might choose to run.
  • To share comments and chat about meditation or connect in with people from the group.

Daily Online Meditation Group

Lifetime Membership
£ 360
One off payment

Daily Online Meditation Group

Annual Subscription
£ 240 Annually

Daily Online Meditation Group

Monthly Subscription
£ 30 Monthly

Daily Online Meditation Group

One Month Trial
£ 30 One off payment