Reiki is a type of complementary medicine that originated in Japan. To receive a Reiki treatment you lie on a treatment couch and I place my hands on your head to start, and then lift my hands off to work the rest of the body by transmitting healing energy to my client. Reiki can help to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Many of my clients report a deep sense of relaxation and some clients find that it helps to reduce stress and tension. They have also reported a reduction in pain symptoms post treatment.
But one of the most common effects of a Reiki Treatment has been improved sleep and a feeling of overall well-being.
I love to combine emotional support with my treatments and Reiki can provide emotional support during difficult times, and often helps to reduce feelings of anxiety and depression.
There are many hospitals that offer Reiki healing as a supportive addition to allopathic treatment, particularly within a cancer ward or hospice. I personally have spent many years working with cancer patients offering Reiki, I have seen the benefits to allowing a deeper sense of calm and peace within the body and been left surprised at how often people really connect in with this gentle healing art.
I find Reiki flows where it needs within the body and allows for a gentle calming peace to settle.
I often use Reiki as part of other treatments I offer, in particular my signature therapy of Massage, Reflexology and Reiki as a combined treatment covers mind, body, emotions and soul.
In my lovely Healing Hut in Farnborough I had healing crystals placed into the foundations when it was built, Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Plain Quartz, Black Onyx and many others to help with the healing within the space. I also have many in the room.
When I chose the colour of the wall paint I decided on one named “Hope Springs Eternal” and several of the pictures in my hut were taken by me, which show the light in the background, again to promote light, hope and healing. I have a heated blanket and lovely warm heaters in the room with soft gentle music and dimmed lighting. All to create the calmest space possible for your treatment.
If you would like to book a treatment prices start at £65 for an hour and £85 for a 90 minute treatment.
Phone 07989 604750 to book, I would love to meet you soon.